- VEM 5131 Veterinary Molecular Biology: A basic overview of molecular genetics; alteration of genetic information and its consequences; molecular diagnostics and molecular therapeutics and biotech products. Course Coordinator: Dr. Julie Moore
- VEM 5141 Veterinary Microbiology and Infectious Diseases: An introduction to the major pathogens and infectious diseases of animals. Course Coordinator: Dr. Aria Eshraghi
- VEM 5143 Small Animal Applied Clinical Microbiology: Reviews, consolidates, and extends general knowledge of the infectious diseases of the dog and cat with emphasis on the laboratory diagnostic procedures appropriate to confirm them. Course Coordinator: Dr. Mary Brown
- VEM 5571 Emerging Diseases: Issues surrounding transmission, control, regulation, and reporting of foreign and emerging diseases. Course Coordinator: Dr. Apichai Tuanyok
ID&I faculty also provide graduate level instruction in programs leading to the MS and PhD degree in Veterinary Medical Sciences, as well as in other campus programs such as Medical Sciences and Microbiology and Cell Sciences.